Truck Spec Design

The Fleet AdvantEDGE

The Importance of Tire Maintenance and Fleet Safety - Essential Tips for National Tire Safety Week (June 24 – July 3)

Posted by Wesley Hall, CTP on 6/24/24 10:16 AM

Gain valuable insights and practical guidance on maintaining optimal tire conditions for fleet operations.

National Tire Safety Week (NTSW) is a crucial annual campaign led by the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) to educate drivers on the important practices of tire care, safety, and maintenance to ensure road safety. Tires play a crucial role in road safety as they are the only part of the truck that makes direct contact with the road. Therefore, prioritizing tire care and maintenance is essential for all drivers to ensure optimal safety on the road.

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Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Management

Preparing For The "100 Deadliest Days Of Summer" On The Road!

During the "100 Deadliest Days" of summer, which falls between Memorial Day and Labor Day, there is a significant increase in fatal crashes, presenting heavy-duty truck drivers with added challenges on the road as summer unfolds. With longer daylight hours, a rise in outdoor activities, and a surge in construction projects, a heightened sense of awareness and focus is paramount. As the roads become busier with motorcyclists, bicyclists, pedestrians, and vacationers, drivers must prioritize their mental and visual acuity to ensure a safe journey ahead.

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Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Maintenance, Fleet Management

Celebrating Earth Day: Driving Towards a Sustainable Future in the Transportation Industry

Posted by Elizabeth Gomez - Marketing Manager on 4/22/24 10:32 AM

Earth Day, recognized on April 22, is an annual global event that promotes environmental protection and increases awareness about the critical need for sustainability.

As we face the challenges of climate change, individuals, communities, and various industries must come together and work towards a better future.

The transportation industry is stepping up by implementing measures to reduce its environmental footprint. Organizations with corporate transportation fleets are seeking asset management partners to help them focus on achieving their ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals.

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Topics: Trucking Environmental Sustainability, Fleet Safety, Truck Fleet Analytics, Fleet Management, Fleet Optimization, GHG, Fuel Economy


Posted by Elizabeth Gomez - Marketing Manager on 4/3/24 4:56 PM


We are excited to announce that we will be attending and exhibiting at several upcoming transportation industry events and conferences in the next few months! Fleet Advantage executives will discuss the state of the industry and will be providing CARB Pre-Buy allocation consultations to help corporate transportation fleets prepare for the upcoming CARB Mandates.

Also, attendees will learn more about our exciting new partnership with FleetNet America by COX Automotive, which provides specialty financing with reliable access to nationwide maintenance. This new collaboration is helping fleets lead with flexibility by unbundling Full-Service Leases. In an Unbundled Lease agreement, fleets have greater flexibility on individual costs and their maintenance provider, but also the freedom to upgrade and scale through flexible financing, guaranteeing the lowest-possible financial costs involved with truck fleet asset management and procurement. 

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Topics: Trucking Environmental Sustainability, Fleet Safety, Fleet Management, Fleet Optimization, GHG, Truck Fleet Operations

Year In Review – Looking Back on 2023 and Looking Forward to 2024!

Posted by Elizabeth Gomez - Marketing Manager on 12/21/23 10:29 AM

Looking Back on 2023 and Looking Forward to 2024!                                                                                                    Looking back on 2023, Fleet Advantage has experienced extraordinary growth, setting the stage for an exciting 2024. However, it’s important to acknowledge that the transportation industry and organizations in various sectors have faced notable difficulties in the last several years. Whether it's driver and technician shortages, equipment shortages, procurement strategies, maintenance and repair issues, or achieving Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals, companies need to be able to identify and adopt new processes to ensure long-term success.

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Topics: Trucking Environmental Sustainability, Fleet Safety, Fleet Management, Fleet Optimization, GHG, Truck Fleet Operations


Posted by Matthew Wiedmeyer, CTP on 12/5/23 9:25 AM

Winter can be a challenging season for the transportation industry, particularly for long-haul trucking and logistics companies. Adverse weather conditions like snow, ice, and freezing temperatures create a hazardous environment for drivers, which can result in serious accidents and costly delays. To mitigate these risks and ensure the safety of your drivers and the integrity of your cargo, it's essential to take various safety measures and prepare your fleet with the right tools and equipment.

When it comes to truck winter maintenance, your drivers serve as the primary line of defense!

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Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Management


Posted by Matthew Wiedmeyer, CTP on 11/13/23 4:55 PM
Maintaining proper tire inflation pressure is essential for safe and efficient driving, regardless of the season. However, there are specific reasons why insufficient tire inflation pressure during the wintertime can lead to more serious issues. Engaging and educating drivers, providing them with the necessary tools, and establishing a maintenance plan can go a long way in preventing tire-related issues during the winter and throughout the year.
Here are some common causes of insufficient tire inflation pressure for drivers to monitor:
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Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Management

National Tire Safety Week (June 26 – July 3) Essential Tips and Best Practices to Maximize Your Fleet's Tire Maintenance and Safety (Part 2)

Posted by Wesley Hall, CTP on 6/28/23 11:43 AM

National Tire Safety Week is in full swing and we are back with the second part of our blog series on maximizing tire safety.  Tires are one of the most important safety components of your truck, that's why tire care and maintenance should be a top priority. In Part 1, we discussed the importance of tire pressure monitoring systems and the significance of daily and weekly tire pressure checks. In Part 2, we will dive into implementing safety lanes and the various benefits of properly inflated tires.

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Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Management

National Tire Safety Week (June 26 – July 3) Essential Tips and Best Practices to Maximize Your Fleet's Tire Maintenance and Safety (Part 1)

Posted by Wesley Hall, CTP on 6/23/23 3:48 PM

National Tire Safety Week is scheduled for June 26 – July 3. This annual campaign, organized by the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association, serves as a crucial initiative to raise awareness about the significance of proper tire care and maintenance. As a responsible fleet operator, ensuring tire safety should be a top priority.

This two-part blog series aims to provide valuable insights and practical advice on maintaining optimal tire conditions for fleet operations. In Part 1, we will look at the importance of tire pressure monitoring systems and the significance of daily and weekly tire pressure checks.

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Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Management

How To Navigate The 100 Deadliest Days Of Summer On The Road!

The "100 Deadliest Days'" of summer is the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day when fatal crashes increase dramatically and heavy-duty truck drivers face additional challenges on the road with the arrival of summer. Longer daylight hours, increased outdoor activities, and a surge in construction projects demand heightened awareness and focus. As the number of motorcyclists, bicyclists, pedestrians, and vacationers rises, it becomes vital for drivers to prioritize mental and visual acuity to ensure a safe journey.

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Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Maintenance, Fleet Management