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The Fleet AdvantEDGE

Celebrating Earth Day: Driving Towards a Sustainable Future in the Transportation Industry

Earth Day, recognized on April 22, is an annual global event that promotes environmental protection and increases awareness about the critical need for sustainability.

As we face the challenges of climate change, individuals, communities, and various industries must come together and work towards a better future.

The transportation industry is stepping up by implementing measures to reduce its environmental footprint. Organizations with corporate transportation fleets are seeking asset management partners to help them focus on achieving their ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals.

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Topics: Trucking Environmental Sustainability, Fleet Safety, Truck Fleet Analytics, Fleet Management, Fleet Optimization, GHG, Fuel Economy

Celebrating Air Quality Awareness Week: May 1 - 5, 2023 - Driving towards a greener future

Air Quality Awareness Week is a national event that takes place every year during the first week of May. This weeklong event is dedicated to raising awareness about air quality and promoting ways to improve it.

History of Air Quality Awareness Week: Air Quality Awareness Week was first observed in 1999 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its partners. The goal was to encourage people to learn about the impact of air pollution on their health and the environment. Since then, the event has grown to include a wide range of activities and initiatives to improve air quality.

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Topics: Trucking Environmental Sustainability, Fleet Safety, Truck Fleet Analytics, Fleet Management, Fleet Optimization, GHG, Fuel Economy

Celebrating Earth Day: Corporate Transportation Fleets Driving Towards a Greener Future with Groundbreaking Analytic ToolS

Earth Day (April 22) is an annual global event dedicated to promoting environmental protection and raising awareness about the importance of sustainability.

As the world is facing the looming threat of climate change, it is vital that individuals, communities, and industries come together to take action for a better future.

The transportation industry is paying attention and taking significant steps toward reducing its environmental impact, and corporate transportation fleets are prioritizing their ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals. 

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Topics: Trucking Environmental Sustainability, Fleet Safety, Truck Fleet Analytics, Fleet Management, Fleet Optimization, GHG, Fuel Economy

Earth Day 2022 #InvestInOurPlanet in Transportation and ESG

How is your company and fleet affecting the environment and how can you help!
It is estimated that over a billion people participate in  Earth Day  every year, making it the largest secular observance in the world. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. It sparked an environmental movement that led to the creation of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) later that year. Earth Day was also influential in passing environmental legislation like the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Education Act, and more. 
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Topics: Trucking Environmental Sustainability, Fleet Safety, Truck Fleet Analytics, Fleet Management, Fleet Optimization, GHG, Fuel Economy

Latest Fleet Advantage Equipment Lease Vs Buy Study Showing Operating Cost Savings for Private Fleets and For-hire Carriers

Posted by Brian Holland, CTP on 7/12/18 11:10 AM

Significant Savings Realized When Leasing Compared to an Ownership Model Over the Same Period

Fleet Advantage, a leading innovator in truck fleet business analytics, equipment financing and lifecycle cost management unveiled today new analysis that shows the operating and financial benefits of a truck lease vs. buy structure for private truck fleet operators, as well as for-hire carriers. The analysis illustrates a missed opportunity for cost savings when comparing a seven-year ownership of one truck to a four-year ownership and a four-year lease of two consecutive trucks.

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Topics: Lease vs Buy, Truck Fleet Analytics, Data Analytics, Fleet Management

Latest Data Analysis Shows Truck Cost Savings Continue to Increase Year-Over-Year When Upgrading to Newer Models More Frequently

Posted by Brian Holland, CTP on 12/6/17 10:45 AM

Fleet Advantage, a leading innovator in truck fleet business analytics, equipment financing, and lifecycle cost management made public today its 2017 Truck Lifecycle Data Index (TLDI) comparing all-in operating costs of early-model Class-8 trucks to 2018 model-year replacements. The TLDI shows significant cost savings when replacing older-model vehicles with 2018 MY trucks. According to Fleet Advantage’s ATLAAS (Advanced Truck Lifecycle Administrative Analytics Software), the TLDI shows that fleet operators can realize a first-year per-truck savings of $22,162 when upgrading from a 2012 sleeper model-year truck to a 2018 model, a 17% increase in savings compared with year-ago figures ($19,023) for 2017 model-year upgrades. 

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Topics: Fleet Maintenance, Truck Fleet Analytics, Data Analytics, Fleet Management, Fleet Optimization